The selection of nine films has 14 filmmakers, 2 documentaries and 1 animation; three are first films and five are second films plus only three films have already distribution. But most interesting is the fact that the selection is eclectic with diverse approaches, mises en scène, narrations and genres. From the deadpan comedy to incredible paranoid anti-hero, the movies explode the boundaries and make us take a step aside.
The program is crossed by a major reason, that the uniqueness of the characters that reverse the patterns that surround them: the fragile, the dissimilar, the melancholic, the lonely, the eccentric are endowed with wise words of unalterable will, of fertile imagination, refreshing humor ...
Isola, Fabianny Deschamps, France
La Jeune Fille Sans Mains, Sébastien Laudenbach, France (1st film)
Madame B, Histoire d'Une Nord-Coreene (Mrs. B.), Jero Yun, France and South Korea (documentary)
Le Parc (The Park), Damien Manivel, France
Sac La Mort, Emmanuel Parraud, France
Swagger, Olivier Babinet, France (documentary)
Tombé du Ciel, Wissam Charaf, France and Lebanon (1st film)
Le Voyage Au Groenland, Sébastien Betbeder, France
Willy 1er, Ludovic & Zoran Boukherma, Marielle Gautier and Hugo P. Thomas, France (1st film)
To check the announcement at the official site go here, eventually will be in English but today is available only in French.
Check clips or trailers @MOC
Isola (aka Isola Che Non C'è) by Fabianny Deschamps
Une Chinoise échouée sur un ile perdue au fin fond de l'Italie attend un mari qui ne vient pas. Un Africain naufragé sur les côtes du nord de la Chine attend de rejoindre l’Europe tant espérée. Isola conte les parcours absurdes et cruels des mouvements migratoires d’aujourd’hui. Une histoire faite de rêve mais sans féerie qui s’écrit chaque jour, ici et maintenant, aux portes de l’Europe.
English synopsis: Feature film about the absurd and cruel trajectories of people’s migrations today. A story made of dreams without fairies that happens everyday at the gates of Europe.

La Jeune Fille Sans Mains by Sébastien Laudenbach
With the voices of Anaïs Demoustier and Jérémie Elkaïm
En des temps difficiles, un meunier vend sa fille au Diable. Protégée par sa pureté, elle lui échappe mais est privée de ses mains. Cheminant loin de sa famille, elle rencontre la déesse de l’eau, un doux jardinier et le prince en son château. Un long périple vers la lumière.
In hard times, a miller sells his daughter to the devil. Protected by her purity, she escapes but is deprived of her hands. Walking away from her family, she encounters the goddess of water, a gentle gardener and the prince in his castle. A long journey towards the light…

Madame B, Histoire d'Une Nord-Coreene (Mrs. B.) by Jero Yun
Portrait of Mrs. B., a tough charismatic North Korean woman who smuggles between North Korea, China and South Korea. With the money she gets, she plans to reunite with her two North Korean sons after years of separation.

Le Parc (The Park) by Damien Manivel
In Summertime: two teenagers have their first date in a park. Both nervous and shy at the beginning, they soon discover a strong attraction to each other; they get closer while wandering in the park and end up falling in love. But the night is coming, so it’s time to leave…

Sac la mort by Emmanuel Parraud
In today's Reunion, Patrice must avenge the death of his brother, who has been brutally murdered. But does he have the strength for it, as he has just lost his home?

Swagger by Olivier Babinet
A documentary teen-movie, Swagger carries us in the midst of the astonishing minds of eleven teenagers growing up in one of the most underprivileged neighbourhood in France. Despite their life difficulties, Aulnay and Sevran’s kids have dreams and ambitions. And no one will take that from them!

Tombé du Ciel by Wissam Charaf
Après 20 ans de séparation, Samir, ancien milicien présumé mort, réapparaît dans la vie d’Omar, son petit frère devenu garde du corps à Beyrouth. Entre drame et comédie, Samir doit se confronter à un pays qui ne lui appartient plus et retisser des liens avec sa famille.
In today’s Lebanon, Omar, a bodyguard, has his first client to protect : Yasmine, a punk singer who wants to start a career in politics. One evening, Omar is accidentally reunited with his older brother Samir, a former militiaman, who was considered dead. Between drama and comedy, Samir will have to face a country that he doesn’t recognize and rebuild links with his family.

Le Voyage Au Groenland by Sébastien Betbeder
Thomas and Thomas are going through a rough patch : they are both thirty something actors living in Paris... They randomly decide to leave the city and fly away to Kullorsuaq, one of the most remote villages of Greenland, where Thomas’ father Nathan lives. Among the Inuit community, they will discover the charms of the local customs and find the limits of their friendship.

Willy 1er by Ludovic & Zoran Boukherma, Marielle Gautier and Hugo P. Thomas
Synopsis : à la mort de son frère jumeau, Willy Pruvost, la cinquantaine, légèrement simple d'esprit, décide de quitter sa famille pour prendre son indépendance. « A Yvetot, j’irai. Un appartement, j’en aurai un. Un scooter, j’en aurai un. Des copains, j’en aurai. Et j’vous emmerde ! ». Pour ce faire, il déménage dans le village voisin, à dix-huit kilomètres de son malheur.
When his twin brother dies, Willy, 50, finally decides to leave his parents’ home. He moves to a small nearby town to start afresh. « In Caudebec I’ll live. An apartment, I’ll have one. And friends too. And you can all go to hell ! » Though a misfit, Willy tries to find his place in a world unknown.

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